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As part of the project AgriTradeNet will be organized two international exhibitions, one in Ukraine and one in Turkey, where the local stakeholder can participate free of charge:  

  • Ukraine: A local producers’ market place will take place in Ukraine. This market will aim at the promotion of local products produced by local organizations within the scope of this programme. Each country will promote one local product of their region.
  • Turkey: A conference and local exhibition will be given in Turkey about the potential of geographical identified traditional products and meetings about the local traditional markets in BSB. The aim of the conference will be exchange of good practice and knowledge. The conference will ensure interaction between the participants.

Registrations and selection procedure will be available soon.

Invitation Online Capitalisation Conference

     The Foundation for the Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises (Romania) implements as a partner the project with non-reimbursable financing “Sustainable Agricultural Trade Network in Black Sea Basin” AgriTradeNet BSB383. The project is funded by the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Program 2014-2020 under the priority 1.2 "Increasing cross-border links for trade and modernization in the agricultural and related sectors of the Black Sea Basin". The main aim of the project is to enhance the agricultural producers’ extroversion and networking and had started officially at 02/08/2018 and will end at 01/12/2020.

     In order to implement the activity T3 – "Activities for popularizing local products: Capitalization activities" The Foundation for the Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises (Romania) invites you to participate in the Capitalization Conference of Local Products, organised online on November 26, 2020, starting at 09.00 AM, on the GoToMeeting platform.

    The conference will take place in English and will address topics such as: protected geographical indication, examples of good practice, trade of agricultural products in the Black Sea Basin and online promotion of agricultural products on the AgriTradeNet project.

     In order to participate, please log in from your computer, tablet or even from your phone by accessing the following link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/303006213. In parallel, The Foundation for the Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises (Romania) supports you, in case you do not have the necessary technical means, by transmitting live the Capitalization Conference of Local Products, at the headquarters in Mihai Bravu street, no.46, Galati and providing translation.

    Participation is free of charge, but having limited seats, please be kind to confirm your presence by phone (tel: 0236.460.545) or by e-mail (to: [email protected]), until November 25, 2020.


Invitation Seminar addressed to local producers

    On November 02, 2020, the The Foundation for the Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises (Romania), organizes in the frame of the project “Sustainable Agricultural Trade Network in Black Sea Basin” AgriTradeNet BSB383, a Seminar addressed to local tomato producers at Royal Restaurant, starting at 10.00. Click Invitation


On 27 of September 2019, Galati Foundation for the Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises (Romania) has organized, starting from 08.30 a.m., at Vega Hotel Galati, a training addressed to local tomato producers on Organic Agriculture. The event was organized in the frame of the project "Sustainable Agricultural Trade Network in Black Sea Basin” AgriTradeNet BSB383. The project is funded by the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Program 2014-2020 under the priority 1.2 “Increasing cross-border links for trade and modernization in the agricultural and related sectors of the Black Sea Basin”. The main aim of the project is to enhance the agricultural producers’ extroversion and networking and had started officially at 02/08/2018 and will end at 01/11/2020.

The partners involved in the project are: Traders’ Association of Thessaloniki(Greece), Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Bourgas (Bulgaria), Galati Foundation for the Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises (Romania), Asociatia Obsteasca “Centrul de Consultanta in Afaceri”(Moldova), Demirkoy Municipality (Turkey), Institute of Market Problems and Economic  & Ecological Research  - National Academy of Sciences(Ukraine).

The main goal of the 8 hours training, organized in the frame of activity T2 “Straitening capacity of local interested organizations was to familiarize the local tomato producers with the following themes:

·         Knowledge of the regulations and rules regarding organic agriculture activities;

·         Knowledge of principles and good practices of organic agriculture;

·         European and national funding programs;

·         Certification and labeling of organic products;

·         Exchange of best practices.

The training was supported by Mrs. Prof. Dr. Magdalena TUREK RAHOVEANU, from the University "Dunarea de Jos ", Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy Braila and addressed to a number of 30 participants.

More details on the training and future activities organized under the project "Sustainable Agricultural Trade Network in Black Sea Basin - AgriTradeNet BSB383 can be found on the project website: www.agritradenet.eu.


INVITATION TRAINING “Organic Agriculture”

In the frame of the project "Sustainable Agricultural Trade Network in Black Sea Basin” AgriTradeNet BSB383, Galati Foundation for the Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Private Enterprises (Romania) will organize on September, 27th, 2019, starting from 08.30 a.m., at Vega Hotel Galati, a training addressed to local tomato producers on “Organic Agriculture” . For more details: click here



The three-day Kick-off meeting and a Press Conference of the project entitled "Sustainable Agricultural Trade Network in the Black Sea Basin" (AgriTradeNet) with a reference number BSB383, was successfully  organized at the Grand Hotel Palace, Thessaloniki -Greece by the Traders’ Association of Thessaloniki at 28th  to 30th of  November 2018. The project is funded by the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Program 2014-2020 under the priority 1.2 "Increasing cross-border links for trade and modernization in the agricultural and related sectors of the Black Sea Basin". The main aim of the project is to enhance the agricultural producers’ extroversion and networking and had started officially at 02/08/2018 and will end at 01/11/2020.

In the specific project in which the lead partner is the Traders’ Association of Thessaloniki (Greece), are also involved the following partner organizations: Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Bourgas (Bulgaria), GALATI FOUNDATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED PRIVATE ENTERPRISES (Romania), Asociatia Obsteasca “Centrul de Consultanta in Afaceri” (Moldova), Demirkoy Municipality (Turkey), INSTITUTE OF MARKET PROBLEMS AND ECONOMIC & ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
All the partners organizations’ were represented by 2 experts during the kick-off meeting and in the press conference had participated around 93 people, representatives from public and private sector in the region of Thessaloniki, Greece.
The main goal of the three-day event was the official opening of the project whose main objective is to increase the production capacity of local agricultural productions by providing them the support for elaboration of geographical identification and certification of their products as well as creating links between business organizations participating in this program.

At the same time, the project partners were informed about the actions and the plan of the project and discussed issues related to the timetable and the budget of the project, as well as the implementation reports to be prepared and sent to the Managing Authority (JMA and Ministry of Regional Development of Romania).
The official opening of the project and the press conference at 28 of November 2018 was attended by the Minister of Rural Development - Mr. Stavros Arachovitis, the President of the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki - Mr. Anastasios Tzikas, the President of KEDE-Mr. George Patoulis, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs - Mr. Dimitris MARDAS, Vice-Governor of Prefecture of Central Macedonia-Mr Alexandros Thanos , the General Director of the Market of the General Secretariat of Trade and Consumers of the Ministry of Economy and Development - Mr. Andreas Mourtsiadis and a large number of Representatives of the Bodies of Thessaloniki.

The President of the Thessaloniki Traders’ Association stressed, among other things, how important are the project activities for the producers and traders of our partner countries in this project, while the Minister of Rural Development in his speech mentioned, among other things, that the branded Greek agricultural products can find a way out on international markets in a way that will bring added value to producers.



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